Curriculum Newsletter
September 2017-January 2018
Mrs. Halsall, Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Hoogers, Ms. McCullough, Mrs.
Mrs. Taylor-Schryvers &
Mrs. Wacker
Montessori students will be introduced to and
work with a variety of Montessori Materials as they pertain to their learning.
Language Arts
Language learning takes
place in and across all subject areas.
Oral language and
listening skills are developed through:
- Classroom
- Partner
- Following
- Songs,
stories, poems and rhymes
Reading skills will be developed through:
- Independent
- Reading
with a partner
- Guided
reading (reading with teacher guidance)
- Reading
with older buddies
- Class
read-alouds and discussions
- Reading
Writing skills will be developed through:
- Using
pictures, words and sentences to represent ideas
- Personal
stories and journal entries
- Creating
collaborative classroom books
- Printing
practice (top to bottom, left to right)
Word study
- Phonics
review (letter sounds)
- Instruction
on decoding/segmenting (sounding out words)
- Spelling
- Word
families (rhymes)
Patterns and Relations
- Identify,
create, describe and compare patterns
- Sorting
according to various attributes and rules (size, shape, colour, etc.)
Number Sense
- Counting
with one-to-one correspondence
- Number
arrangements to 10
- Represent
numbers using pictures, words and symbols
- Compare
and order numbers
- Exploring
place value
- Counting
forwards and backwards by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s
Number Operations
- Adding
and subtracting numbers to 10 (grade 1)
- Adding and subtracting two digit numbers without
regrouping (grade 2)
The use of technology will be integrated across
the curriculum.
Moving Forward From the
Students will explore
their personal and family histories by:
- Observing
how they have changed and stayed the same through time (losing teeth,
growing, learning new skills, new responsibilities)
- Observing
how their families have changed and stayed the same through time (new
members, moving, new experiences)
- Students
will be introduced to historical thinking using key words such as: past,
a long time ago and present
Students will learn about
the 5 senses:
- Awareness
of senses and how they are used to provide information
- Function
of senses and how they are cared for
- Describe
adaptations to limited sensory abilities
Students will learn
building skills through:
- Construct
objects and models of objects using a variety of materials
- Identify
the purpose of different components
- Problem
Students will be work on
fundamental movement and health skills through:
- Cooperative
- Scoops
and Balls
- Ball
- Volleyball
- Floor
Students will have use of the gymnasium for Physical Education 3
times each week. In addition to going to the gymnasium students will have
movement activities in the classroom each day.
Health and Life
Students will:
· Learn about the importance of following rules and routines
- Develop
- Learn to
communicate and solving problems – Peace Education
- Exploring their
feelings and work on developing empathy
- Introduce
the Zone of Regulations, green zone in control and ready to learn,
yellow zone lose of some control and difficult to learn, red zone you
have lost control and unable to learn and blue zone not feeling our
Music -Mrs. Schulz & Miss Nair
Students will:
· Learn a variety of songs and singing games that give
opportunities for developing in-tune singing, and exploring the musical
elements of beat, rhythm and pitch.
· Be introduced to musical notation through rhythmic values
(ta, or quarter note and titi, or eighth note), and through visually
representing high/low pitches.
· Respond to music through movement, beginning with moving
in place and progressing to dances and games that involve moving through
· Participate in direct listening activities, through
movement and playing along on non-pitched percussion.
Students will explore elements of art
such as:
· Line
· Colour
· Composition
Students will work with a variety of
· Markers
· Crayons
· Pencil Crayons
· Watercolours
· Oil pastels
Students will begin to analyzes, evaluates and
responds critically to art works by looking
critically at:
· Their own art
· Art of classmates
· Art of professionals