Tuesday, 26 June 2018


After learning about the Needs of Plants and Animals in Science, students in Room 4 and 5 have created their own creature. They've thought of special adaptations, its habitat, and what it would eat. All of their creatures will be coming home today!

Don't forget we only have 2 more days of school. June 28th is the last day of the school year!

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Performance in the Park

Today all the grade 1/2 classes enjoyed a performance in the park. We then enjoyed lots of activities outside! It was a fun day, enjoyed by all!

Monday, 18 June 2018

Play in the Park

Tomorrow the Grade 1/2's will be spending some much needed time outside! After recess in the afternoon, our friends who performed the Stone Soup play will do an encore presentation outside. We will be performing for all our friends in Grade 1/2. After the performance we have some centers set up - horseshoes, ring toss, reading, drawing/sketching, sidewalk chalk, and free play. We have worked hard on this performance and thought we'd take the opportunity of the nice weather to do another performance. If your child has a part in our play please remind them to wear (or bring) their costume if you still have it!

Friday, 15 June 2018

Music Sharing Class

Room 4 will be having a Music Sharing Class on Wednesday, June 20th during their music class time (3:20-3:50.) During Music Sharing Classes, students have the opportunity to share something music-related with their peers. For example, if your child takes piano lessons, they could share a piano song they have been practicing. Other ideas include:
  • singing a song they are familiar with
  • Dancing 
  • Bringing a picture of a musical instrument and talking about it
  • Etc.
All students are welcome to share, but it is not mandatory. If your child is performing, please help them remember to bring what they need on that day. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Nair at canair@cbe.ab.ca. 

Music Sharing Class

Room 5 will be having a Music Sharing Class on Wednesday, June 20th during their music class time (2:50 - 3:20). During Music Sharing Classes, students have the opportunity to share something music-related with their peers. For example, if your child takes piano lessons, they could share a piano song they have been practicing. Other ideas include:
  • singing a song they are familiar with
  • Dancing 
  • Bringing a picture of a musical instrument and talking about it
  • Etc.
All students are welcome to share, but it is not mandatory. If your child is performing, please help them remember to bring what they need on that day. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Nair at canair@cbe.ab.ca.

Thursday, 14 June 2018

Flashlight Friday

Tomorrow is Flashlight Friday!

Image result for Reading by flashlight

Please send your child with a flashlight.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Riglet Snowboarding Coming to CJP

Image result for Riglet in schools

We are very lucky to have Riglet Snowboarding come to CJP tomorrow. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to use a snowboard in the gym. We are very excited!
Check out their website:

Monday, 11 June 2018

Fire Drilll

Image result for fire drill

Today we had a fire drill during the lunch hour. Students did an excellent job getting out of the building safely. We had a few extra minutes to finish our lunches because the alarm went off during our eating time.

Image result for fire drill
Does your family practice where to go in case of a fire?

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Stampede Breakfast

CJP Stampede Breakfast

Friday June 8th 7:00-9:30

Come when you can

Students who ride the bus can have a pancake when they get to school

Please send a plate and fork

  Image result for stampede breakfastImage result for stampede breakfast

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Zoo Field Trip Tomorrow

Zoo Field Trip Tomorrow

Image result for calgary zoo

Please ensure:
  • your child is at school on time
  • has a larger lunch
  • has a hat
  • is dressed for the weather
  • DO NOT send money

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Calgary Public Library

Ultimate Summer Challenge 2018

The Calgary Public Library came today to share their summer reading program. You are able to sign up for the program now. Students went home with an information booklet. This is a great way to keep up the reading during the summer,

Friday, 1 June 2018

Bike to School Day - TUESDAY!

We are excited that CJP will be participating on Bike to School Day on TUESDAY, JUNE 5th. Students are invited to participate by biking from home to school or driving closer to school and biking the rest of the distance. Bike to School Day helps students become active and engaged with the outdoors. It is a school project that encourages students to build a healthy lifestyle while having fun! If your child is choosing to participate please ensure their bike is clearly labeled with their first name, last name and room number. Students will be storing their helmets inside their classrooms. Please do not bring your bike in through the front doors. There will be two outdoor doors connected to the gym for students to drop their bikes off. Grades K-3 will enter through the west door (door closest to staff parking lot) with their bikes. Please be courteous to staff by not parking in the staff parking lot. The other entrance for grade 4-6 will be the the door closest to the front entrance of the school facing Northmount drive. Both doors will be marked with a sign and pylon. The students will enter the door and drop their bikes off inside the gym by their designated classroom spot marked with a number. Please note which door your child takes their bike in, they will be exiting through this door at the end of the day to meet you outside. Due to the volume of people participating, it would be beneficial for the students to independently without a parent escort, bring their bike inside and outside of the gym. Teachers will be assisting students in parking their bikes indoors.

Below is a link with more information about Bike to School Day in Calgary  
We would greatly appreciate parent volunteers. If anyone is able to volunteer in the morning or afterschool please email Mrs. Ross at chwross@cbe.ab.ca  

Me to We Outdoor Fair!

Dear Families,

The Me to We Club students are organizing a outdoor “CJP Fair” on Monday June 4th. The objective of this fair is to raise money for Education in Sierra Leone. Please visit the following website to find out more information:

The Me to We Club students have organized some very fun games and activities, including tug-of-war, splish splash shoot, drip drip drop, water pong, pin the moustache on the grandma, bean bag toss, cup target game, face painting and tattoos, and popsicles. Please help us meet our goal by giving your child change (not pennies) to bring to school on Monday so they can participate in the fun and games. Games will cost between 25 cents and 1 dollar. Please bring change as bills are time consuming for the students to change.

We’re ever so lucky to have Family Squeezed donating 600+ popsicles. The popsicles will be $2.00 each with all funds going towards Education in Sierra Leone. We will have chocolate fudge, cotton candy, and dairy free raspberry. Thank you Family Squeezed for your wonderful generosity!

Thank you,
Me to We Club

Sophie Still: sastill@cbe.ab.ca
Tracy Strohbach: testrohbach@cbe.ab.ca