Wednesday, 29 November 2017

December Math Skills

Math Skills

Ways to support your Grade 1 Math Student
·      Counting by 1s to 100
·      Counting backwards from 20
·      Recognizing numerals to 100
·      Understanding 1 more and 1 less for numbers to 100
·      Adding single digit numbers
·      Subtracting from 10 (we will be working up to 18)

Ways to support your Grade 2 Math Student
·      All of the grade 1 skills should be mastered
·      Identifying odd and even numbers to 100
·      Understanding ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.)
·      Place value (units, tens, hundreds)
·      Count to 100 by 2s, 5s, AND 10s
·      Addition facts to 10 should be memorized
·      Subtraction facts from 10 should be memorized
·      Adding double digit numbers (without re-grouping)

All of these skills can be incorporated into your everyday life and conversations with your child. For example, counting cars as you drive, sorting laundry, recognizing patterns in the world (i.e. Christmas lights), counting items at the grocery store or while making your lunch/snack. Have fun and be creative; math is all around us!

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