Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Winter is here!

The school started the day getting into the holiday spirit with carolling in the gym.  This festive feel continued through the day playing holiday math games like the Dreidel Game and Reindeer Chase and making pattern ornaments during Montessori Work Period. 

We also finished some winter art using pastels.

 It is hard to believe it the 71st day of school already.  We looked at some cool patterns today on our hundred chart.  We counted to 71 by tens, starting at 1.  We thought of other numbers we could start at and realized that we could get to 71 if we started at any number in the 1s column like 11, 21, 31...
We also decided to explore the diagonal line (71, 62, 53, 44, 35, 26, 17, 8) from 71 and found some awesome patterns.  We noticed it alternated between even and odd.  We observed the tens column decreases by 10 but the ones column increases by ten each square.  We even noticed that the 'digital root" (the sum of the two digits) all equalled 8!!!!!  There are always interesting patterns to be found in a hundred board!

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