Friday, 27 April 2018

Water Walk

Today the whole school participated in the Water Walk. Students walked around the school for 20 minutes to increase awareness of the global water crisis.
Room 4 and 5 each raised enough money to support 2 people in receiving clean water for the rest of their life. Thank you all for your support!

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Thursday's Spirit Day

Image result for superhero spirit day

Superhero Spirit Day

On Thursday April 26th we will be having our Superhero Spirit Day. Some classes have been discussing what is means to be a hero, both a fictitious one and a real-life hero. On Thursday, students may wish to dress up as their favorite fictional hero like: Batman, Spiderman, PJ Masks, Wonderwoman, Hulk etc. Or they may choose to dress like a real-life hero such as: a police officer, paramedic, firefighter, doctor etc. Some students may even choose to create their own hero/costume representing their own super powers. While creativity is always encouraged, please remember to have your child dress in a way that they are comfortable and they are able to participate fully in all subject areas including Music and Physical Education. 

                                    Image result for superhero spirit day

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Water Walk on Friday

We Walk for Water

Every day, girls must walk hours to collect clean water. We’re the generation who can change this.

$25 gives someone clean water for life.

On Friday April 27th, students will walk around the school for 20 minutes to increase awareness of the global water crisis.

In order to avoid wasting water and taking away from the purpose of the walk, we will fill jugs with rocks and have students take turns carrying the heavy jugs.

We are encouraging every student participating to bring a loonie to school some time before or on April 27th so that each class can work towards raising $25 to help give a person clean water for life.

For more information on the Water Walk, please visit:

Me to We Club

Monday, 23 April 2018

Exploring Calgary's roots at the Glenbow Museum

The children in room 4 and 5 enjoyed our day exploring 2 different Glenbow programs.

We learned about the Blackfoot people's culture, symbols and way of life with our First Nations' guide Clarence.  He talked about the importance of the bison and the many ways the animal was used.  The children explored tools and artifacts created from the bison parts.

Students also learned about some the jobs settlers had when Calgary was first settled.  Through looking at images and artifacts students explored the NWMP, farming, ranching and construction.

The most talked about thing learned was that bison poop (also called buffalo chips) make a great substitute for firewood out on the prairie.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Trading Post

Toys, Games and Book Trading Post

Help the Grade 1/2 students celebrate Earth Day by donating old toys, games or books for our first ever Earth Day Trading Post!

We hope this initiative will help kids understand:  
  • "Stuff" contributes to pollution through manufacturing, transportation and garbage. 
  • Helping the Earth doesn't mean we need to stop having the things that we like but it means we can be more thoughtful about what we want and buy. 
  • By trading for new toys, games and books we Reduce the amount of things we buy and we keep items out of the landfill!!
Have your child bring in any clean, unwanted toys, games or books between April 16th-18th. No soft toys please. The items should be things you do not want backAll items should be in good condition and not missing parts. 
We will use these items to make a "Trading Post" on April 19th. Each student that brings in an item will have a chance to choose one 'new to me' item from the trading post.  Any items left at the end of the day will be donated to the Goodwill.

Some links for parents on this topic:

Ted Talk: 5 minutes - A bit of an extreme take on living with less but still interesting.

Ikea Commercial: 1 mintue - (I know a commercial from Ikea about buying less is ironic - but it's still a good commercial!!)

Zero Waste Family: 14 minutes

Thank you for your support and happy Earth Day!

Monday, 16 April 2018


Students in both room 4 and 5 have begun explorations into poetry.

Look for examples at home in your books, in songs and in your environment.  

Today students in room 4 wrote acrostic and cinquin poems, while children in room 5 created list poems with dancing verbs to create a poem based on the picture book:  Giraffes Can't Dance.  In our dancing poems, students had fun realizing that poems can break regular conventions by writing on a squiggly line to simulate movement. 

Please return Glenbow field trip forms ASAP!!!!! 

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Ways of knowing with Lamarr

These hunters, grappled with aim, estimation, positioning to hunt buffalo this morning (with feathers).  Thankful one of our hunters hit the target and we did not go hungry. 
An indigenous teacher named Lamarr, visited our classes today to help us understand math through first nations lens.  The children played games using natural materials which would help them be good hunters.  Our school has purchased a variety of materials to help students continue this exploration. 

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Race for Autism presentation

Today students had the opportunity to participate in a presentation on Autism. Take this opportunity to talk to your child about what they learned about it.  

Our classes are beginning to look at 2D and 3D shapes in class.  Look around your house and identify where you see shapes.  

Room 5 started our weaving projects.  Thank you for all the wool that was donated.  They are looking beautiful. Find out from your child how they enjoyed working on a cardboard loom. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Wednesday News

Autism Awareness Day Tomorrow

Captain John Palliser School is encouraging students to wear BLUE tomorrow for autism awareness. 

Math Game

We will not be sending a new math game home this week. Please play one of the games that has been sent home previously. 

Small Bead Frame

The Montessori small bead frame is another way for students to practice addition and subtraction of 2, 3, and/or 4-digit numbers. The place value of a number is represented by the different colours of beads. Students move the beads from one side of the frame to other to represent adding and/or taking away numbers - this is a very concrete way of showing these mathematical processes. Ask you child if they've had a lesson on the small bead frame!