Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Thursday's Spirit Day

Image result for superhero spirit day

Superhero Spirit Day

On Thursday April 26th we will be having our Superhero Spirit Day. Some classes have been discussing what is means to be a hero, both a fictitious one and a real-life hero. On Thursday, students may wish to dress up as their favorite fictional hero like: Batman, Spiderman, PJ Masks, Wonderwoman, Hulk etc. Or they may choose to dress like a real-life hero such as: a police officer, paramedic, firefighter, doctor etc. Some students may even choose to create their own hero/costume representing their own super powers. While creativity is always encouraged, please remember to have your child dress in a way that they are comfortable and they are able to participate fully in all subject areas including Music and Physical Education. 

                                    Image result for superhero spirit day

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