Tuesday, 29 May 2018


We've earned enough Gotcha tickets for a P.J. day and movie day. This Friday students in both rooms are welcome to wear pajamas and bring a stuffy to school!

Monday, 28 May 2018

Stampede Breakfast - volunteers needed!

Please see the poster attached. CJP_Stampede Breakfast 2018 Invitation_YG.pdf 
We are trying to make this a litter free event so please bring washable dishes and cutlery. Wash stations will be provided for easy clean up.
We only have 13% of the volunteers needed to host this event.
If we do not fill the required positions by Friday June 1st we will have not choice but to cancel this event. Please sign up at:
http://signup.com/go/aqfZySM if the link does not work, try cut and pasting it. Thank you.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Yoga and Mindfulness Club

Monday, May 28th, grade 1 and 2 students from room 4 and 5 are invited participate in a yoga and mindfulness club.  It will be happening over the lunch recess in room 3.  This week students will be introduced to the yoga practice using animal poses!  Be sure to wear comfortable clothes that you can stretch in. Feel free to bring a yoga mat if you would like.  Watch for more upcoming mindfulness club times as well!

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Guest Author Presentation

Grappling with Grumblies!   Juggling the Jitters!

Today the students in Room 4 and 5, had a fun and active presentation from author Jacqueline Guest. The children explored how they deal with grumpy and nervous feelings.  Her books were filled with rhyming, alliteration, onomatopeoia and other devices used in poetry.  Her characters used silly songs, dances and smiles to help them feel better.  The children made connections to the  strategies we use  at school to stay in the "green zone" as part of our Zones of Regulation.

To find out more about this author visit her website at:


Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Volunteer Tea

Volunteer Tea
We will be offering childcare in the Learning Commons, for those volunteers who wish to bring younger siblings. If you have already RSVP’d, please e-mail your child’s teacher to let them know the names and ages of children requiring care that day. If you not yet RSVP’d, please include this information on the tear-off portion prior to sending it in. 

Thursday, 17 May 2018

Volunteers Required

Dear CJP Students and Families,

The Me to We Club students are organizing a outdoor “CJP Fair” on Monday June 4th. The objective of this fair is to raise money for Education in Sierra Leone. Please visit the following website to find out more information:

The Me to We Club students have organized some very fun games and activities, including tug-of-war, splish splash shoot, drip drip drop, water pong, pin the moustache on the grandma, bean bag toss, cup target game, face painting and tattoos, and popsicles. Please help us meet our goal by giving your child change (not pennies) to bring to school on Friday June 1st (to avoid students forgetting to bring it on Monday!) so they can participate in the fun and games. Games will cost between 25 cents and 1 dollar. Please bring change as bills are time consuming for the students to change.

Volunteer opportunities for "Me to We Outdoor Fair Day" on June 4th are now open. We are in desperate need of volunteers for this event to take place. Please click on the following web link to go to the signup sheet: www.volunteersignup.org/LRPM8
To sign up, just follow the instructions on the page. It only takes a few seconds to do.
Thank you for volunteering!

Thank you,
Me to We Club

Pita Chips

Image result for homemade pita chips

Recipe Pita Chips
  • 2 Pitas
  • 1 tbsp Olive Oil
  • Your choice of toppings: sea salt, garlic, parmesan cheese, zaatar
    1. Spread olive oil evenly over pita
    2. Cut pita into 8 pieces using clean food scissors
    3. Place pieces on a baking sheet and sprinkle topping evenly over pita
    4. Bake at 375F for 5 minutes or until golden brown
    5. Enjoy with hummus or your favorite dip!
    Makes 16 pita chips 

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Decidedly Jazz Danceworks

Yesterday and today, Room 4 and 5 participated in an in-school workshop put on by Decidedly Jazz Danceworks. Students learned how to move their bodies different ways, including making different 3D shapes with our bodies. We talked about patterning and numbers in dance. What a great way to learn new math concepts - through body movement!

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


Today we had an awesome presentation put on by FoodImpact. We had an in class nutrition workshop which supplemented our existing health and life skills curriculum. We learned about (and made!) healthy snacks by using pitas from Byblos Bakery and a variety of fruits and vegetables. After enjoying a nice pita snack together, students are now coming home today with their own pack of pitas and a small pack of WowButter!

Friday, 11 May 2018

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!

Image result for happy mothers day

We hope you enjoy the little gift that we made for you at school. 

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Plant and Animal Habitats!



Today we used the sentence starters "I see... I think... I wonder" to explore many different plant and animal habitats. We are learning about the needs of plants and animals as part of our science. We had a lot of fun discovering some new and familiar habitats!



Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Byblos Bakery

May 8, 2018

Dear Parent(s):

In Kindergarten, grade 1 and grade 2, students learn to make responsible and informed choices to maintain health. Students study positive health habits, active living and nutrition and recognize the importance of basic healthy choices as they classify foods according to Canada’s Food Guide.

Each classroom has the opportunity to participate in a healthy eating workshop offered in partnership with Byblos Bakery. Presentations include an age appropriate nutrition lesson following the concepts of Canada’s Food Guide to healthy eating. Students will get to practice their knowledge by creating healthy snacks using local products. FoodImpact supplies all the ingredients for the pitas. We will use whole-wheat pita, lettuce, tomato, cucumber, banana, apple, cheese, Wowbuter, hummus and salad dressing. All ingredients are nut free, and compatible on vegetarian and halal diets.

On May 15, Rooms: 8, 5, 4, 3, 2 are participating.
On May 16, Rooms: 6, 7, 8, 9 (am and pm) are participating.

The cost for this program is $3.00. Please pay online at MyCBE Account.

Thank you for your support in this healthy eating initiative.


The Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 Teachers

Monday, 7 May 2018

Music Monday!

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our students in their performance today for Music Monday. The weather held off and our students' inspiring performances were outstanding! We all feel very lucky to have such a wonderful music program here at CJP!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

"Hats on" to a great day of learning!

Just over half of our class wore hats today to help bring awareness to the importance of mental health.  Thanks to everyone that participated!

Bison Kit

Today room 4 and 5 had lots of time to explore the artifacts from our Blackfoot Bison Kit.  The kit contains cultural artifacts from early Blackfoot communities.  Most of the items are made from different parts of the bison including the animal's hide, bones, sinew, horns and hair.  This kit has been an excellent extension to our field trip to the Glenbow Museum, where the children participated in the Blackfoot education program. At the museum, the children gained detailed knowledge from our aboriginal teacher, Clarence about how many tools and items were made.  For example, our kit contains both a drum and a quiver made from a bison's hide.  The drum's hide is hard while the quiver's hide is soft and pliable.  The children determined that the quiver's hide would have been "tannned" by rubbing the buffalo's brain on it (contains natural lanolin), while the hide on the drum would not of had this process.

When sketching and writing about the artifacts the children answered questions like:

"What was this artifact used for?"
"Who would have used it?"
"How was it made and what materials were used?"
"How was it used?"
"Would this item be used to today?  What would have replaced it?"

2 -D Shapes

We have also continued our exploration of 2-D shapes today.  We have been working with our Montessori materials to help us learn about the characteristics of  different shapes to help us describe, sort and classify them. 
We have been examining shapes and talking about:
-how many sides they have
-how many vertices they have
-the size of their angles (right, acute and obtuse angles)
-whether they are open or closed

Look around your home and get your child to describe the characteristics of the shapes they see.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Hats on for Mental Health

On Wednesday May 2nd, CJP will be relaxing our "No hats on in school" rule in support of Hats On! for Mental Health Day. By wearing hats students and staff are bringing awareness of the need for good mental health and raising understanding of supports for mental health issues. More about this initiative can be found at www.canwetalk.ca.www.canwetalk.ca.