Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Guest Author Presentation

Grappling with Grumblies!   Juggling the Jitters!

Today the students in Room 4 and 5, had a fun and active presentation from author Jacqueline Guest. The children explored how they deal with grumpy and nervous feelings.  Her books were filled with rhyming, alliteration, onomatopeoia and other devices used in poetry.  Her characters used silly songs, dances and smiles to help them feel better.  The children made connections to the  strategies we use  at school to stay in the "green zone" as part of our Zones of Regulation.

To find out more about this author visit her website at:

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,

    Re your post about the visiting author who did a lively presentation titled "Dealing with Feelings": The author Deborah Fannie Miller wrote "Grappling with the Grumblies" and "Juggling the Jitters". Thank you!
