Friday, 26 January 2018

Curriculum Newsletter
February 2018 – June 2018

Mrs. Halsall, Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Hoogers, Ms. McCullough,
Mrs. Taylor-Schryvers, & Mrs. Wacker

Montessori students will be introduced to and work with a variety of Montessori Materials as they pertain to their learning.

Language Arts
Language learning takes place in and across all subject areas.

Oral language and listening skills are developed through:
  • Classroom discussion
  • Partner sharing
  • Following instructions
  • Songs, stories, poems and rhymes
Reading skills will be developed through:
  • Independent reading
  • Reading with a partner
  • Guided reading (reading with teacher guidance)
  • Reading with older buddies
  • Class read-alouds and discussions
  • Decoding strategies
  • Comprehension strategies, including but not limited to predicting, visualizing, making connections and inferencing
Writing skills will be developed through:
  • Using pictures, words and sentences to represent ideas
  • Personal stories and journal entries
  • Informational writing
  • Poetry
Word study
  • Instruction on decoding/segmenting (sounding out words)
  • Spelling practice
  • Word families (rhymes)
  • Alphabetizing
  • Parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives

The use of technology will be integrated across the curriculum.
Number Sense
  • Represent numbers using pictures, words and symbols
  • Compare and order numbers
  • Exploring place value
  • Counting forwards and backwards by 1s, 2s, 5s, and 10s
Number Operations
  • Adding and subtracting numbers to 18
(grade 1)
  • Adding and subtracting two digit numbers with regrouping (grade 2)
  • Problem solving
Shape and Space (2D and 3D Shapes)
·       Sort, describe, compare and construct 2D shapes and 3D objects
·       Identify 2D shapes as part of 3D objects in their environment
Shape and Space (Measurement)
·       Use standard (centimeters) and non-standard (paper clip) measurements to solve problems
·       Order and compare objects to solve problems
Probability and Data Management
·       Gather and record data to answer questions
·       Construct and interpret graphs to solve problems

Social Studies
Community in the Past
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of community
  • Students will demonstrate an understanding of how various people worked together to build Calgary as a community
Students will learn about hot and cold temperatures through:
·       Recognizing the effects of heating and cooling
·       Identifying methods of heating, cooling and maintaining temperatures
Students will learn about magnetism through:
  • Exploring magnets
  • Testing the effects of magnets on a variety of materials
Students will learn about plants and animals through:
·       Learning about the needs of living things
·       Describing and classifying plants and animals
Physical Education
Students will be work on fundamental movement and health skills through:
  • Floor Hockey
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance – Sound Kreations (artist in residency)
  • Soccer
  • Kickball
  • Lacrosse
Students will have use of the gymnasium for Physical Education 3 times each week. In addition to going to the gymnasium students will have movement activities in the classroom each day.
Health and Life Skills
Students will:
  • Demonstrate safe, caring, welcoming and respectful behavior inside and outside the classroom
  • Learn to communicate and solving problems – Montessori Peace Education
  • Exploring their feelings and work on developing empathy
  • Learn about nutrition and how to live a healthy active lifestyle
  • Continue to work on Zone of Regulations, green zone in control and ready to learn, yellow zone lose of some control and difficult to learn, red zone you have lost control and unable to learn and blue zone is not feeling our best.
Music -Mrs. Schulz & Miss Nair
Students will:
·       Continue to learn a variety of folk songs and singing games that give opportunities for developing in-tune singing, and exploring the musical elements of beat, rhythm and pitch
·       Read, write and create simple melodic patterns on the music staff using the notes la, so and mi using their rhythmic patterns of ta, titi, and quarter rest.
·       Have musical concepts reinforced through movement and listening activities, as well as through playing a variety of non-pitched and pitched percussion instruments.

Students will explore elements of art such as:
·       Texture
·       Space
·       Shape
Students will work with a variety of medium
·       Paint
·       Charcoal
·       Pencil Crayons
·       Watercolours
·       Oil pastels
Students will analyze, evaluate and respond critically to art works by looking critically at:
·       Their own art
·       Art of classmates
·       Art of professionals
Students will use techniques learned in art to communicate their understanding in other curricular areas.

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