Monday, 22 January 2018

Story Elements


As part of our story writing unit we are learning about different elements of a story. We have started with the characters. 

The characters are the individuals that the story is about. The author should introduce the characters in the story with enough information that the reader can visualize each person. This is achieved by providing detailed descriptions of a character’s physical attributes and personality traits. Every story should have a main character. The main character determines the way the plot will develop and is usually who will solve the problem the story centers upon. However, the other characters are also very important because they supply additional details, explanations, or actions. All characters should stay true to the author’s descriptions throughout the story so that the reader can understand and believe the action that is taking place—and perhaps even predict which character may do what next. 

Students looked at picture books and brainstormed ideas for characters to use in story writing. Ask your child what character they drew today. 

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