Thursday, 26 October 2017

Exploring Our Timelines!

We had an exciting afternoon examining our timeline pictures.  Students ordered their pictures by looking at their photos and using critical thinking skills.  Children thought about landmark events (ex. starting school) and started sorting before and after that landmark event. We then checked their work by looked at the numbers on the back of their pictures.  Different groups of students then had the opportunity to do a "museum walk", and view others' photos and ask questions about their pictures. It is amazing to see all the different experiences students have had in their lives so far!  We will begin writing about our pictures next week.

Our classes continued to examine our class pumpkins during work period.  The students in Mrs. Holman's class had a variety of estimates for the number of seeds inside this pumpkin.  If you are carving a pumpkin at home, you may want to estimate the number of seeds and then count them to find out the difference.  We are excited to carve our pumpkins on Monday!

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