Monday, 30 October 2017

Fall Family Dance Fundrasier

THIS FRIDAY, NOV 3, 6:30-8:30 pm
 (in the school gym)
$10 per family (or $4 for individuals)
Hosted by CJP Parent Association
Last Call for Fall Family Dance Fundraiser Volunteers! We still have a large number of spots to fill. Please sign up here:
Our bake sale is always popular. Can you donate some baked goods?  Sweet or Savory (appetizers) and nut-free/coconut-free! 
Donation Opportunities
·      Cheek Painting $3
·      Tattoos $1 (for one or two depending on tattoo)
·      Bake sale $1 or $2 (NUT FREE!)
·      Light Bracelet $3 each
·      Photo Booth $3 per picture
·      50/50 Raffle: Extra Christmas Cash! Parents only.
1 ticket for $1, 4 tickets for $3 or 10 tickets for $5.

Things to note:
*Just show up and pay at the door! There is no advance payment.
*$10 per family (or $4 for individuals)
*The dance is held in CJP school gym.
*Bring your cash! Loonies, Twoonies, $5 and $10s. We only take cash! 
*Please bring a water bottle or use the fountains (no beverages are sold at the dance)
*We always aim to make our Family Dances low waste!
*Coats can be hung in the coatroom down the “Quiet Area” hall. Outdoor shoes/boots can be left here as well. Purses and valuables should be kept with you.
* Remember this is a Family DanceThis is not a “drop off” event. All children who attend must be connected to a responsible adult. You are responsible for your children at the dance.
Kristie Magnusson
Cell 403.399.4683

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